Commercial Solar
26 Sep / 2019

Major Welding Safety Tips For Commercial Solar Operations

For some of the people who are searching for this welding material for the first time, they can be a little confused in looking for a reliable option. Sometimes at the time of welding in commercial solar, you are a little confused about how the cutting directions need to be taken and what extra precautionary steps will be followed? So here we have some essential safety tips guidelines for you about MIG welding:  

Use the Right Cutting Tool

A lot of people don’t know about the right tool, which is used for cutting welding. People try to cut it with a jigsaw; however, it is essential to understand that the table saw is not the correct tool for cutting welding sheets. Using a saw for cutting sheets will leave visible lines on the sheet since these sheets are transparent. You should use a metal rule along with a razor to shave your welding sheets if you want to get a straight line. 

Don’t Forget to Wear Safety Gear 

A lot of times, people tend to get hurt when cutting welding as shards and bits of sheet flies up and can hit the face when using a cutting tool such as jigsaw to cut welding sheets. However, you can ensure your safety when cutting panels by wearing safety gear, including gloves and safety glasses. Gloves will protect your hands and fingers from getting nicked, whereas safety glasses would keep your eyes safe from any piece of the acrylic sheet.  

Tools that You Must Not Forget

They tend to forget about the additional tools that would help them in getting the correct shape that they were aiming for. If you want to make sure that the acrylic sheet is cut straight, then don’t forget to use a measuring tape or ruler to design for a straight line. Always mark the welding panel with a pen to know about the starting and ending point from where you want to cut the sheet. 

Don’t Use the Standard Tools When Cutting Curves or Intricate Shapes

People tend to use the same tools that they use for cutting straight lines when cutting curves in the Solar System which leads to wrong results. You must know that the standard tools for cutting straight lines cannot be used for cutting curves. You should use a blade that is limited to a small area so that you can focus on every curve when cutting the welding. You can use a bandsaw to cut curves and intricate shapes.